Special Edition Indigenous Personalisation

We are proud to release a new range of letters and numbers to personalise your jersey and make it personal.  Working with indigenous artist Arthur Conlan, we have been able to create a series of letters and numbers to add to jerseys.

The personalisation pieces are a vinyl application featuring some of Arthur’s popular art of native animals including the Kangaroo, Emu and Frillneck Lizard.


Arthur Conlan

Arthur Conlon is an Aboriginal artist who lives in Queensland. Arthur is known domestically as well as internationally for authentic aboriginal fine art. Arthur’s designs comes from his experiences as a descendant of the Wakka Wakka tribes of Queensland.

Arthur was born in Cherbourg and started painting at the age of nine by studying the traditional techniques of his uncles. He is now a successful artist with his paintings in galleries across Australia and internationally. Arthur visits schools around Australia and is an inspiration to students and staff.